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AGM 2003 Minutes
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AGM 2003 Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Chebucto Community Net Society
Annual General Meeting for 2003
April 8, 2004
Approved 14 April 2005
- Call to order
Meeting called to order by Chair Marilyn MacDonald
- Minutes of the 2003 Annual General Meeting
Moved by Reg Hody that the minutes be accepted as presented. Seconded by
Hugh Conrad. Minutes are accepted.
- Report from the Chair
report on Chebucto activities in the year 2003 was delivered by
Marilyn MacDonald.
- Dickens ["Best of times, worst of times"].
- Tenth anniversary message from David Truman.
- Technical problems.
- Inner City Project.
- Volunteerism Initiative.
- WiFi.
- Reports from Committee Chairs
- Policy
Delivered by committee chair Andrew Wright.
- Virus/worm problems.
- PIPEDA compliance.
- Appointment of Privacy Officer, Bill Matheson
- Internal
Delivered by committee chair Reg Hody.
- Promotion on involvement with the community.
- Structure and origins of the Internal committee.
- Relations with organizational account holders.
- Membership, communications with Dal.
- Technical
Delivered by committee chair Ed Dyer.
- Dickens ["Best of times, worst of times"].
- Downtime issues (construction, hardware failures, Hurricane Juan,
power failures).
- Replacement of main server.
- Upgrades to spam and virus filtering system.
- Database server.
- Caching proxy server.
- Increased 56K dial-in lines.
Financial Report
Delivered by Treasurer Bernie Hart.
- Written report.
- Record income from increase in Chebucto Plus and Neighbourhood
- Increased expenditures due to extra hired technical staff and
hardware expenses.
- Election of directors for 2004-2005
Ed Dyer assumed the Chair position at the request of Marilyn MacDonald.
John McKay chaired the nomination committee for the 2004-2005 Board
Six positions were open. The slate proposed by the nominating committee
consisted of: Mark Alberstat, Reg Hody, Bernie Hart, Marilyn MacDonald,
Tanya Moxley and Tom Daly.
Moved by Hugh Conrad that nominations are closed.
Seconded by Thérèse Macintosh. Motion carried.
The directors nominated were acclaimed. Marilyn MacDonald returned to the
- Appointment of the auditor
Moved by Tom Daly that the Board appoint an auditor for the
2004 fiscal year.
Seconded by Ruth Bailey. Motion carried.
- Other business
- Recognition of volunteers
Certificates of recognition were awarded to Mark Alberstat for work in
promotion and his service in the Internal committee, Ed Dyer for work on
the Technical committee and Chris Wood for his work on the Technical
committee, in the Chebucto office and at Chebucto activities.
- Adjournment
Moved by Bill Matheson that the meeting be adjourned. So declared.