 BBS: Night Line BBS
Date: 08-13-96 (10:19)             Number: 20
From: SUN FLOWER                   Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: poems                          Conf: (101) Poetry

How can they do this?
How can they be so mean?
How can they be so angry,
If my fealings go unseen?

How did I create this life,
My,... so called hell?
How could it be, that I hit a dropoff,
How could it be, I fell?

How can I tell my story,
If no one wants to hear,
What it is I love and hate,
What it is I fear.

How could i be so stupid?
How can I be so dumb?
How can I run away from here,
If I don'y know what I'm running from?

So many questions, Not enough answers,
How to let them knowm
THat my time in this place is over,
And Now I have to go.